Mother tongue as human right, a video conference. To promote the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, on the April 28th Dr. Massimiliano Verde, will give a lecture about the mother tongue as Human Right. The event is organized by the Office for Internationalization and Cooperation Networks – EIRC, Universidade Cidade di S. Paulo- UNICID, in [...]
Note of merit in Neapolitan language for the Neapolitan Academy by the Honorary Consulate of Nicaragua in Campania. The note expresses thanks for the work of the Neapolitan Academy for the promotion of the Neapolitan mother tongue and multilingualism. In particular, with regard to the Conference (pics joined) organized in Naples (A.De Marsico Library) by [...]
Traducción no oficial del Plan de actividades principales para celebración del Decenio Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas 2022-2032 en la Federación de Rusia Note: English version is more worked out and originally correct. In view of the proclaimed International Decade of Indigenous Languages between 2022 and 2032 (IDIL2022-2032) and the presented during the 41st session [...]
Traduction non-officielle en français du PLAN D’ACTION de la Décennie internationale des langues autochtones en Fédération de Russie en 2022 – 2032. Note: English version is more worked out and originally correct. In view of the proclaimed International Decade of Indigenous Languages between 2022 and 2032 (IDIL2022-2032) and the presented during the 41st session of [...]
Unofficial translation of the Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022 – 2032) in the Russian Federation into English. In view of the proclaimed International Decade of Indigenous Languages between 2022 and 2032 (IDIL2022-2032) and the presented during the 41st session of the General Conference in November 2021 Global Action Plan [...]
The knowledge that the elderly have received from their ancestors in the community of the Emberá Chamí, Indigenous Council of El Caimo district of the city of Armenia, is at risk of not being able to be transmitted to new generations. This implies the loss of “cultural roots” and their thinking, placing children in a [...]
In view of the proclaimed International Decade of Indigenous Languages between 2022 and 2032 (IDIL2022-2032) and the presented during the 41st session of the General Conference in November 2021 Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the Russian Federation has worked out the Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages [...]
The Neapolitan Academy is an independent and international socio-linguistic research group to the defense and promotion of the linguistic and socio-cultural heritage of Naples and the Campania region. It pursuants the declaration of human rights and the conventions that fight against the racism and for the protection of the rights of women and minors. Verde, [...]
O GUIA DE PESQUISA E DOCUMENTAÇÃO PARA O INVENTÁRIO NACIONAL DA DIVERSIDADE LINGUÍSTICA é um instrumento da Política da Diversidade Linguística e tem como objetivo disponibilizar orientações para a realização de inventários linguísticos. Esses inventários podem servir de subsídio para solicitações de inclusão de línguas no INDL. O Guia está estruturado em dois volumes e [...]
O GUIA DE PESQUISA E DOCUMENTAÇÃO PARA O INVENTÁRIO NACIONAL DA DIVERSIDADE LINGUÍSTICA é um instrumento da Política da Diversidade Linguística e tem como objetivo disponibilizar orientações para a realização de inventários linguísticos. Esses inventários podem servir de subsídio para solicitações de inclusão de línguas no INDL. O GUIA está estruturado em dois volumes e [...]
The literary competition “Voice of the North” has been held by RAIPON since 2017. RAIPON decided to announce two categories in the Literary competition “Prose in the languages of Indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russia, with translation into Russian and English’ and ‘Poetry in the languages of Indigenous peoples [...]
There are no adjectives in the Nivkh language, but there are a huge number of nouns denoting varieties of seals and fish, as well as numerals designed specifically for counting boats, nets or bundles of dog food. It is not like other languages and stands apart in the language world, being considered isolated. There are [...]
The Forum “Language Policy in the Russian Federation” is annually held by Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs as part of the state national policy strategy. The purpose of the Forum is to discuss topical issues of preservation, development, popularization of the linguistic diversity and support of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication [...]
An examination of the image writing system used by the First Nations of North America prior to European contact. This method of visually writing using images is integral to a system used for mapping traditional territory.
The research project touched upon in this paper is an attempt to deconstruct, and then reconstruct, a previously undocumented form of image writing traditionally used by the First Nations of North America prior to European contact. This particular paper addresses the need to establish a neutral interpretive methodology for approaching this image writing system. The [...]
Comunicato stampa di denuncia della vittimizzazione e discriminazione dei parlanti Napoletano in Italia da parte della UANM e l’Accademia Napoletana per la tutela della lingua e cultura di Napoli.
This paper published in the Idiomatica Review by Dr.Massimiliano Verde and Dr. Karla del Carpio, wish to emphasize the importance of recognizing and validating the right each individual has to speak in their first language since the violation of such a basic human right continues to take place on all continents. This has been the [...]
Il presente articolo prende le mosse da una pubblicazione realizzata per l’Universidad IEU in Puebla, Messico, in occasione di un Congresso internazionale che si è svolto il 13 e 14 agosto 2020.
This was a conference presentation given in Mexico. Therefore, the video and the manuscript are in Spanish. Here is the abstract: Derechos lingüísticos, culturales y de género: El caso del napolitano y del tsotsil El fenómeno de la globalización y con éste la subyugación económica, educativa, cultural, militar y actitudes negativas hacia los grupos minoritarios, [...]
1er Coloquio en Investigación en Lenguas, Literatura y Educación Cuerpo Académico: Paradigmas educativos y la enseñanza de lenguas Facultad de Lenguas 9-11 de diciembre, 2020 Derechos lingüísticos, culturales y de género: El caso del napolitano y del tsotsil Autores: Dr. Massimiliano Verde Accademia Napoletana: Tutela y promoción lengua y cultura napolitanas, Nápoles, Italia Dra. Karla [...]
Ñu’u (Tierra, Tnu’u savi) ethnographic work in the Petronila Pérez Velasco, a woman from a Mixtec village, tells of a vision of what it is like to love nature, life in the countryside, corn, quelites and her identity as a woman and a primary school teacher so that her students learn their mother tongue and [...]
Local and indigenous content in the digital space: Protection, preservation and sustainability of creative work and traditional knowledge
Señor señora, En nombre del Director General Adjunto de la UNESCO, se adjunta la Convocatoria de candidaturas (en español) dirigida a los pueblos indígenas y las organizaciones de pueblos indígenas de todas las regiones socioculturales para el establecimiento del Grupo de Trabajo Mundial para la Década de Acción de las Lenguas Indígenas (IDIL2022-2032). Le agradeceríamos [...]
Madame/Monsieur, Au nom du directeur général adjoint de l’UNESCO, veuillez trouver ci-joint l’appel ouvert à candidatures adressé aux peuples autochtones et aux organisations de peuples autochtones de toutes les régions socioculturelles pour la création du Groupe de travail mondial pour la Décennie d’action pour les langues autochtones (IDIL2022-2032). Nous vous serions très reconnaissants de bien [...]