documento | Moscow Declaration on Mother Tongues Preservation

Final document of the High-Level International Conference “World Treasury of Mother Tongues: Nourish and Cherish. National and International Context, Policies and Practices to Preserve Indigenous Languages” (5-7 July 2022, Moscow, Russian Federation)
An international working group has completed work on the Moscow Declaration on Mother Tongues Preservation.
The final document of the High-Level International Conference “World Treasury of Mother Tongues: Nourish and Cherish. National and International Context, Policies and Practices to Preserve Indigenous Languages”, held on July 5-7, 2022 in Moscow, was developed by the joint efforts of conference participants from 44 countries.
The conference was a significant contribution of Russia to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and the implementation of the UNESCO Information for All Program - the only intergovernmental interdisciplinary program in the world. One of the priorities of this program is the preservation of languages and the development of linguistic diversity in cyberspace.
The event was attended by about 150 prominent Russian and foreign experts in the field of education, culture, social and human sciences, communication and information (including advanced language computer and other information technologies), representatives of government bodies, civil society institutions and the private sector, who considered not only the preservation and revival of indigenous languages, but also the broader context (linguistic, socio-cultural, historical, economic, geopolitical, etc.).
Final document of the High-Level International Conference “World Treasury of Mother Tongues: Nourish and Cherish. National and International Context, Policies and Practices to Preserve Indigenous Languages” (5-7 July 2022, Moscow, Russian Federation)