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Качугская МЦБ
В Иркутской области , а если говорить точнее, то в Качугском районе, Исетская сельская библиотека МКУК “Тимирязевский Культурно-информационный Комплекс” работает по целевой долгосрочной Программе с 2009 года “Буряты-коренной народ России”, основная цель которой: сохранение культуры бурятского народа. Библиотека сотрудничает в тесном союзе с Исетским детским садом. С дошкольниками на мероприятиях библиотекарь рассказывает детям, а потом [...]
Ирина Соколова
Проект «Пишущая Ярославия» ориентирован на знакомство с творчеством современных писателей и поэтов, которые пишут на родном русском языке, а их жизнь и творчество связаны с Ярославской областью. Изучение истории и культуры родного края, людей, внесших вклад в его развитие, является основой патриотического воспитания. Организатором проекта «Пишущая Ярославия» является государственное автономное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования Ярославской [...]
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Datsko Vladymyr
Старинная еврейская пословица гласит: «Музыка не имеет языка, а людей собирает». Эти слова в полной мере относятся к мероприятию, состоявшемуся в одном из старейших зданий Симферополя – синагоге «Нер-Томид». В ее стенах, по инициативе еврейской национально-культурной автономии, возглавляемой ее несменным председателем Анатолием Гендиным, состоялась праздничная программа в рамках Дней еврейской культуры. На мероприятие были приглашены [...]
Wiseman Magwa
The Government of Zimbabwe, in line with the objectives of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) organised an all inclusive stakeholders National Languages Conference at the Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls on 14-16 June 2022. The aim of the Conference was to generate national consensus on a roadmap for the International Decade of [...]
Wiseman Magwa
This report is a detailed description of what Zimbabwe has been doing to commemorate the IDIL 2022-2032. Focus is on activities carried out in the country to promote use of indigenous languages in the decade.
Наталия Викторовна Приходько
Мероприятия за I полугодие, проведённые в рамках десятилетия языков коренных народов.
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Institute for the Development of Education
On May 25, 2024, the VIII Regional Festival-Competition of Mordovian Art for Children and Youth “Siyan Bayaginet” (“Silver Bells”) was held in the Ulyanovsk region. The festival featured the following categories: Folklore:This category showcased performance skills in recreating song, dance, and instrumental forms of folklore in a historically authentic manner, taking into account dialectal and [...]
Vitaliy Bogdashkin
27 апреля 2024 года общественная организация национально-культурная бурятская автономия «Байкал» г. Новосибирска при поддержке Министерства региональной политики Новосибирской области провела в Доме национальных культур им. Г.Д. Заволокина итоговое мероприятие проекта «Дни бурятской культуры 2024». Мероприятие было направленно на знакомство с историей, бытом, культурой бурятского народа, а также на создание условий для гармонизации и развития межнациональных [...]
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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
Multinational camps have been launched in the Republic of Tatarstan. The shift is unique in its multinational nature: Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts, Mordvins, Armenians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis – Sunday and secondary school students from all over Tatarstan – rest here. The activities of the camps are aimed at educating children to have a tolerant attitude towards all [...]
Adelaide Alice Anna Campagnoli born 1973
Mario Venturini
Original languages and so the indigenous dialects are idioms of aboriginal peoples, who own an ancestral territory since the origin of the territory: they are not a minority (with an alien language) but an ancient nation with the language of own territory. Here the “romance” original languages (not neolatine) again in use on Alpine hinterland [...]
Mario Venturini
Nel diagramma sono catalogate le prime e più antiche configurazioni del Calendario Campestre come sono rintracciabili nell’edificio matematico di oggi, ma si tenga presente che anche la più antica deve sempre nascere da abitudine o tradizione consolidata, quindi da una necessità di migliorare il modo di contare il Tempo, migliorare il lavoro e migliorare la [...]
architect Gio Ponti atop of a just completed skyscraper in 1959
Mario Venturini
Diagramma delle tre stagioni primordiali associate ai sei mesi di 57 giorni tra i due solstizii, migliorando le tre stagioni precedenti, oppure adeguandole a nuove esigenze: a questa Data sicuramente antichissima sono già in uso i principali Totem segnaposto che identificano il minimo e il massimo àzimut al solstizio d’estate e al solstizio d’inverno, ma [...]
gabriella Angelini 1931 award
Mario Venturini
Nel Calendario primordiale è incastonata la traccia di tutte le epoche precedenti sia per tradizione che per inerzia, perchè la sua sincronizzazione venne adeguata di volta in volta alle esigenze dei mille lavori di campagna ovvero agli usi dell’agricoltura e dell’allevamento ma anche, e forse sopratutto o prima di tutto, alle usanze dei cacciatori, così [...]
Giacinto Facchetti born 1942 in Treviglio
Mario Venturini
La più antica numerazione rintracciabile nel nostro Calendario campestre ha due stagioni da 182+182 giorni più i 3 de La Mærla (giravolta o rotazione) al modo “lineare” portando i 364 giorni a ripartire dal primo dell’anno, salvo nell’anno bisestile quando il terzo giorno de La Mærla è invece l’ultimo dell’anno; in una epoca successiva, i [...]
Наталия Викторовна Приходько
Galería de fotos
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
On May 16, 2024, a meeting of the National Education Section was held. A total of 200 teaching staff took part in the event. Exhibitions of textbooks and books, handicrafts, national costumes, Tatar cuisine and much more were organized within the framework of the event.
Galería de fotos
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
On May 16, 2024, a sectional meeting of the National Education of education and science workers of the Republic of Tatarstan was held in the Republic of Tatarstan. Within the framework of the events, exhibitions of textbooks and books, handicrafts, national clothes and much more were organized and master classes of educational organizations were held.
Galería de fotos
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
From May 1 to May 4, 2024, the full-time stage of the Interregional Olympiad in native languages of Siberia and the Far East took place in Gorno-Altaysk of the Altai Republic, which was attended by students of the Republic of Tatarstan. The participants worthily presented a project on native languages, literature, folklore, and culture of [...]
Ayana Khadakhanova
The main objectives of the Institution’s activities are to identify, study, preserve and develop the traditional culture of the peoples living in the territory of the Bokhansky municipal district and, in accordance with the goals and objectives, the action plan of the institution for 2024 has been approved.
Aude Flamand
Ce livre, adapté à tous les âges, a pour objectif de rendre un projet de recherche de maîtrise plus accessible en expliquant des concepts scientifiques de manière simplifiée. “Il était une fois, une jeune fille nommée Féerique et ses amies, qui se promenaient le long d’une plage quand elles firent une rencontre surprenante ; un [...]
Aude Flamand
This book, intended for all ages, is an attempt to make a masters’ research project more accessible, by explaining simplified scientific concepts. “Once upon a time, a young girl named Irony and her friends were walking on a beach when they had a surprise encounter with a young man, Dom, who had been preserved in [...]
Galería de fotos
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
On April 24, 2024, an educational event was held in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Chuvash ethnocultural component of the educational content and the study of the Chuvash language. The All-Chuvash dictation is held in order to create conditions for the preservation, study, development and popularization of the Chuvash language, dedicated to [...]
Casa Areyto
Los libros infantiles de Casa Areyto son para niños de 0 a 8 años y promueven el aprendizaje del idioma y la cultura taína. Nuestros libros adoptan un enfoque interdisciplinario para desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas (español, inglés y taíno), comprensión histórica y aprecio por nuestro patrimonio indígena. Además, fortalecen la identidad cultural y la autoestima de [...]