documento | Lumbard papers INDEX 2023 and 2024 filed under Lombardia Alpenland Altaitalia Milano milanese dialetto Brescia Novara Coira Cremona Sondrio Como

this document list all the papers uploaded here on "idil resources" into year 2023 and 2024 about the Lumbard indigenous or authoctonous language (the "lombard" listed on map n.10 by Atlas of endangered languages) as per the census of dialects "Sprach und Sach Atlas italiens ind der sudschweiz" between years 1920-1956 (AIS) and next detailed by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) in 1977 on the first map showing detailed isoglosses of romance languages around the Alps and Altaitalia hinterland, against all neolatine tongues.
The cover: a postwar bridge on the Po river near Guastalla (per dare il consenso a usare le vostre fotografie sulla copertina di questi documenti o anche per i prossimi che saranno pubblicati qui scrivere a Mario Venturini: