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galeria-de-fotos | Introduction to the Accademia Napoletana

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The Neapolitan Academy is an independent and international socio-linguistic research group to the defense and promotion of the linguistic and socio-cultural heritage of Naples and the Campania region. It pursuants the declaration of human rights and the conventions that fight against the racism and for the protection of the rights of women and minors. Verde, the President, realized a work for the IC 72°School Palasciano (Primary School) of Pianura, Naples, Italy. Napoli, Lingua e Cultura-bis (Naples, Language, and Culture) for the European Structural Funds - National Operational Program "For school, skills and learning environments" 2014-2020.
This work was developed according to the Public notice “Enhancement education in cultural, artistic and landscape heritage ". Axis I - Education - European Social Fund (ESF).
In particular Verde, responsible for Accademia Napoletana (Neapolitan Academy) realized a multidisciplinary Course of Neapolitan Language and Culture, for primary school pupils. The work concerns Neapolitan history, culture, grammar, orthography, and lexicon according to a multilinguistic perspective. The Course finished with an examination and a bi-lingual certificate (Neapolitan and Italian).
