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Melange IYIL – A Symposium on the International Year of Indigenous Languages

Long Description

Out of the 780 languages spoken in India 197 are endangered. According to a linguistic survey by a renowned activist, 220 Indian Languages had already gone extinct in the last five decades alone. One of the reason for extinction of languages is that Indian children are taught in only 22 officially recognized languages, the remaining do not receive any focus. Just like some other countries which are fighting to safeguard their indigenous languages. We are taking an initiative to preserve the precious languages which keeps the culture and heritage of the Nation alive. The objective is to promote, preserve and conserve languages which have or are on the verge of losing their existence.

  • We will be organizing the symposium on 29th June 2019 at Hotel Surya Delhi on the respective theme.
  • We will be organizing the symposium on platform which will be inviting delegates from multitudinous domains with the same field of interest.
  • The Symposium will have four sessions including Inaugural Session and other technical sessions on different aspects of Indigenous Languages of India.


  • The sessions will be Chaired and attended by experts from different organizations including those from United Nations , Academic and Cultural Institutions and from the Government of India.


  • The components of the event will contain a broad based overview of the theme with related sub themes. Event is designed in such a way that ensures the promotion and outreach of the theme in accordance with the desired outcomes of the United Nations’ Action Plan on the theme.