Literary and artistic program dedicated to the 630th anniversary of the birth of Mirzo Ulugbek
On October 7, the International Library hosted a literary and artistic program dedicated to the 630th anniversary of the birth of Mirzo Ulugbek.
Mirzo Ulugbek (real name Muhammad Taragai), a Central Asian scientist and statesman, grandson of Tamerlane, was born in 1394. Mirzo Ulugbek achieved high results in mathematics, physics, history, and architecture. The great thinker, with his large-scale scientific research and discoveries carried out at the observatory built on his instructions in the city of Samarkand, made a radical turn in the world science of astronomy.
Ulugbek‘s main scientific work is considered to be “Ziji Jadidi Guragani“ or “New Guraganov Astronomical Tables“ (1444), on which he worked for thirty years, conducting observations and painstakingly processing their results. This is an astronomical reference book that has been translated into Latin and has been widely used in observatories in Europe. In addition to astronomy and geography, Ulugbek was fond of poetry, as well as history – his pen belongs to the work “The History of the four Uluses” (Tarikh–i–ulus–i–arba‘a).