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Gabhail ri Atharrachadh: Cumadh Àm Teachdail don Ghàidhlig ann an Aois Chruinneil is Dhidseatach | Embracing Change: Shaping a Future for Gaelic in a Global & Digital Age

Fhad ’s a tha Baile-mòr Ghlaschu ag ullachadh airson aoigheachd a thoirt don Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail, tha Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ nasgadh le comataidh eagrachaidh na fèise 2019 gus seiminear aon-latha a chur air bhonn, a tha ag amas air conaltradh nàiseanta a thòiseachadh mu Ghàidhlig san àm ri teachd ann an aois a tha a’ sìor fhàs cruinneil agus didseatach.

Is e prìomh chuspair an tachartais:

Gabhail ri Atharrachadh: Cumadh Àm Teachdail don Ghàidhlig ann an Aois Chruinneil is Dhidseatach

Thèid an tèama seo a rannsachadh tro thrì cuspairean sònraichte a tha mìnichte gu h-ìosal agus tro amharcan is bun-bheachdan air an taisbeanadh le luchd-labhairt fa leth agus le deasbad luchd-èisteachd.

  • Coimhearsnachdan ag Atharrachadh
  • Sluagh-thomhas Luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ag Atharrachadh
  • Poileasaidh, Poilitigs is Iomairteachd: Feum air Atharrachadh?

Bidh an luchd-labhairt fa leth bho mheasgachadh farsaing de dhreuchdan, sgìrean cruinn-eòlais agus le eòlas eadar-dhealaichte air Gàidhlig agus/no mion-chànan eile. Tha iad air an taghadh le amas air fìor shuidheachadh luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an Alba an latha an-diugh a shoilleireachadh, an dà chuid dùbhlain agus cothroman, agus le amas air feumalachdan na mion-choimhearsnachd seo a sgrùdadh.

Is e aon de phrìomh amasan an t-seimineir, modhan-obrach brìoghmhor a chomharrachadh a thaobh leasachadh is seasmhachd na Gàidhlig taobh a-staigh co-theacsa àrainneachdan a tha a’ sìor fhàs cruinneil nan nàdar agus fo bhuaidh theicneòlasan didseatach.

Mar fhreagairt do bheachdan is bun-bheachdan a thig am bàrr bhon tachartas, bheir Oilthigh Ghlaschu  lìonra de luchd-rannsachaidh is luchd-cleachdaidh còmhla, gus an cnuasachaidhean proifeiseanta air cùisean a thabhann, agus cuideachd molaidhean a thaobh raointean ùra rannsachaidh, pròiseactan ùr-ghnàthach agus/no iomairtean a tha iomchaidh do phoileasaidh leasachadh cànain ann an suidheachadh Albannach co-aimsireil.

Bidh an seiminear seo a’ gabhail àite aig an aon àm ri foillseachadh GUGA, taisbeanadh ùr leis An Hunterian a’ rannsachadh dearbh-aithnean Gàidhlig, a bhios a’ ruith bhon Dàmhair 2019 gu Faoilleach 2020. Gheibh teachdairean cuireadh a bhith an làthair aig sealladh prìobhaideach den taisbeanadh.



As the City of Glasgow prepares to host the Royal National Mòd, the University of Glasgow is joining forces with the festival’s 2019 organising committee to host a one-day seminar event, which aims to start a national conversation on the future of Gaelic in an increasingly global and digital age.

The central theme of the event is:

Embracing Change: Shaping a Future for Gaelic in a Global & Digital Age

This theme will be explored via three specific topics outlined below and through the observations and concepts presented by individual speakers and audience discussion.

  • Changing Communities
  • Changing Demographics of Gaelic speakers
  • Policy, Politics & Activism: In need of Change?

Invited speakers will represent a wide variety of backgrounds, geographical areas and experiences with Gaelic and/or another minority language. They have been selected with a view to capturing the realities of Gaelic speakers in Scotland today, both the challenges and opportunities, and with a view to exploring the needs of this dynamic minority community.

A primary aim of the seminar is to identify meaningful approaches to the development and sustainability of Gaelic within the context of environments that are increasingly global in nature and dominated by digital technologies.

In response to the observations and concepts emerging from the event, the University of Glasgow will bring together a network of researchers and practitioners to offer professional reflections on proceedings and in turn, recommendations for any new areas of research, innovative projects and or initiatives appropriate to language development policy in a contemporary Scottish setting.

This seminar event will coincide with the launch of GUGA, a new exhibition by The Hunterian exploring Gaelic identities, which will run from October 2019 until January 2020. Delegates will be invited to attend a private viewing of the exhibition.