Dictation in Karelian and Vepsian Languages
Interregional action devoted to the Karelian and Vepsian languages will take place in April
The Dictation in the Karelian and Vepsian languages will take place on April 20-25, 2022 in the Republic of Karelia, Tver, Vologda, and Leningrad regions. The main goal of the action is to promote Karelian and Vepsian languages, ethnic and cultural development of indigenous peoples, Finno-Ugric cooperation.
This year over a thousand participants will write the dictation in the Proper, Livvik, Ludic, and Tver dialects of Karelian language and Vepsian language at 63 venues. The action will start on April 20 at the premises of the Petrozavodsk State University.
For those who will not be able to join the dictation at organized sites, videos with the texts will be aired on TV and posted on social networks. A list of venues is posted in the group via the link: https://vk.com/saneluz.
The action is organized within the International Decade of Indigenous Languages by the Ministry of National and Regional Politics of the Republic of Karelia, Union of the Karelian People, Vepsian Culture Society, Petrozavodsk State University.