Presentation of a book of plays “Дзирыт гожум” (Hot Summer) by the classic of Permyak literature Vasily Klimov
February 20 – March 25 to May 25, 2023, 15 concerts dedicated to the memory of the classic of Permyak literature Vasily Klimov were held in Kudymkar and other settlements of the Komi-Permian district. At the concert, a new collection of plays by the author was presented, as well as a musical performance “Гӧтрасьны, дак гӧтрасьны” (“To get married, so to get married”) based on the play by Vasily Klimov. The performance was staged by the Permyak Song and Dance Ensemble “Shondiban”.
In the book “Дзирыт гожум” (Hot Summer) there are six plays by the author in the Permyak language. These are already familiar to the audience of the Komi-Permyak Drama Theater, but previously unpublished dramatic transcription of the legend about the legendary founder of Kudymkar “Кудым-Ош йылiсь висьтас” (The Legend of Kudym-Osh), the comedy “Гӧтрасьны, дак гӧтрасьны” (To marry, so to marry) and the children’s fairy tale “Соя-вона, Ёма да Кам” (Brother and sister, Yoma and Kam). Three historical dramas have been published for the first time – “Христос корсьӧ Чойдорӧ” (Christ asks to go to Choydor), “Дзирыт гожум” (Hot Summer) and “Вот оз ло война” (There will be no war). The plays are accompanied by an article by literary critic Tatiana Ermakova about Vasily Klimov as a playwrighter. The publication was designed by the artist Marina Andreeva-Totmyanina. Archival materials provided by the Komi-Permyak District State Archive were also used in the design.
The book was published by the Komi-Permyak Ethnocultural Center at the end of 2022. Circulation – 500 copies. The book was transferred to schools and libraries of the Komi-Permyak district.
The book was published with the support of the Administration of the Governor of Perm Krai under the Perm Krai state program “Society and Power” (subprogram “Implementation of state national policy in Perm Krai”).