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X Regional Festival of Kazakh Folk creativity “Urpak Uni – Voice of Generations”

The regional festival “Urpak Uni – Voice of Generations” is an exhibition of national decorative and artistic creativity, concert programs at various venues, creative laboratories with the participation of scientists, specialists, heads of creative teams and Kazakhstani national cultural associations.
The festival is attended by masters of artistic creativity, readers, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, creative teams of various genres of amateur performances.
Festival participants perform Kazakh folk songs and their works, songs of modern Kazakh composers, national dances, rituals, works of oral folk art (terme).
The festival is held within the framework of the program of the Regional Festival of National Cultures “Unity”.
Festival organizers: Omsk House of Friendship and Kazakh public organizations of the Omsk region. The festival is held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region.
The regional festival of Kazakh folk art “Urpak uni – the voice of generations” is aimed at preserving the traditional culture of the Kazakh people of the Omsk region; seeks to show achievements in the field of national art and to reveal new names and gifts; contributes to the deepening of the knowledge of the Kazakh language and the improvement of performing skills, forms the artistic taste of the younger generation.