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Karelian Ethno Forum

This event is for those interested in the culture of Tver Karelians.

It will take place on the picturesque bank of the Mologa river (Ribinsk reservoir), near Strelitsa village, Vesjegonsk district, Tver region.


Ethno – Forum – an event for inspiring ethnographic research, hiking and adventure. The river bank, forest, beautiful landscape – ideal for recreation and education.

Professionals come to us: linguists, ethnographers, art historians, filmmakers, culinary specialists and many others. They share their knowledge and experience.
Here you can get new skills in colloquial Karelian speech, learn more about the history of the original Finno-Ugric people, become a participant in the master classes and have a great time.

We will conduct fascinating classes in the study of the Karelian language with teachers. We will definitely communicate with local residents on karelian language. Oh, thats great!