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Traditions and customs of the peoples of the North Caucasus

As part of the events dedicated to the International decade of indigenous languages of the world on April 8 in the National library of the Chechen Republic named after

A.A. Aidamirov was held an ethno-cruise “Many faces of Russia”.

The event was attended by schoolchildren and students of the Chechen state pedagogical university.

At the beginning of the meeting readers were told that Russia is one of the largest multinational countries of the world on the territory of which live more than 190 peoples and each of them has its own unique features of both material and spiritual culture.

Schoolchildren and students were told about different peoples, the diversity of their national clothes, life and crafts, interesting facts about folk holidays, got acquainted with traditions, customs and holidays that are celebrated by the peoples inhabiting the North Caucasus.

Russia is a large and multinational country. All peoples living in our country have their own history and original culture. Each of the peoples inhabiting the North Caucasus has its own national characteristics, language and customs. But all of them are united by spiritual kinship, similarity of rituals, customs, folk stories, etc.

The presenter spoke about respect for elders, noted that it is important to know and observe adats (Chechen unwritten laws).

During the event educational videos about interesting traditions of the peoples of the North Caucasus were watched.

A book exhibition “Multinational Caucasus” was prepared for the event. The exhibition presented books on ethnology and ethno-cultural image of the North Caucasus.