Theatrical performance “The flight of a lifetime”
A fascinating theatrical performance took the audience to the traditional camp of the peoples of the North.
The language is a great national treasure.
Each nation has its own language, it has special words that mean important things for its life. The native language – the language of the ancestors – is transmitted from the parents, it sounds the connection of generations. Language is a whole world full of charm, charm and magic. He is the living memory of the people, his soul, his heritage.
In childhood, we all enthusiastically listen to folk tales, songs, epics. Later there is an acquaintance with classical literature and creativity. For the peoples of the North, the native language is considered unique, special. It reflects the customs, traditions, way of life of the people, their mind and experience, beauty and strength of soul …, and today it is in danger of extinction, as they began to forget their native speech, because they practically do not speak their native language.
The older generation, concerned about the decline in interest in their native culture among young people, turns for help to a Shaman – a guide between worlds, connecting generations, because the main word remained with him.
The eagle shaman, through dances, music, songs and miniatures, told the elders and their followers about the history of the Wilta, Nani, Nivkh and Evenk peoples.
Knocking on the tambourine, the Eagle Shaman showed the elders the life of the Wilta people, who have been engaged in hunting, fishing and reindeer husbandry for centuries. And they also composed poems and songs. The Wilta people have a primer, thanks to which the younger generation can continue to learn their native language and speak it.
Another knock on the tambourine brought those present to the people of Nani. The main occupations of this people were, like those of the Wilta people, fishing, sometimes hunting, and in winter — fur fishing. Nani kept sled dogs. They moved on boats (plank or birch bark), skis glued with camus, as well as sleds. Writers, teachers and cultural figures of Nani have left a great literary legacy in the form of books and songs that will not let you forget your native language.
The next knock on the tambourine takes the listeners to the Nivkh people – the most ancient people of Sakhalin. For thousands of years, the basis of their life was fishing, marine St. John’s wort. Men also engaged in hunting, and women harvested berries, edible roots, medicinal herbs and sewed clothes from fur skins.
The language of the Nivkh people is mysterious and unique. It was studied by great professors, researchers and scientists of the XX century, leaving a legacy of both scientific and fiction literature.
The eagle shaman knocks on the tambourine and makes a flight to the Evenk people, who have preserved their identity and traditional religious beliefs to this day – the Evenks. The main occupation of the Evenks, as well as other peoples, was fishing, reindeer husbandry and, of course, hunting, which was conducted for large animals (deer, elk, roe deer, bear). The Evenks hunted in special fishing clothes, moved on skis. Women made skins, sewed clothes and shoes from them.
The Evenk language has 3 dialects – northern, eastern and southern, as well as many dialects and dialects. In 1928, researchers published the Evenk alphabet, which was subsequently supplemented with Cyrillic letters. The Evenks still use it.
Having completed his story about the four ethnic groups, the Shaman addressed the younger generation with words about how important it is to remember your native language, preserve your customs and traditions:
Native language is a rich inheritance,
It came from the depths of centuries.
You reflect a person’s thoughts,
You help to express love.
You create poems from the letters,
Storing hundreds of thousands of words in stock.
The blessing that has descended to us
is the native language that has penetrated into our blood!
Every language is great in its own way,
A priceless legacy of centuries.
So take care of your native language,
As the most expensive thing in the world!