The Scientific Library of Petrozavodsk State University has launched an action “Dictation in Karelian and Vepsian languages”, dedicated to the Day of Karelian and Vepsian Writing
The Scientific Library of Petrozavodsk State University has launched an action “Dictation in Karelian and Vepsian languages”, dedicated to the Day of Karelian and Vepsian Writing!
More than 70 participants of different ages tested their writing skills in Karelian and Vepsian languages. Among them are students and schoolchildren of educational organizations, representatives of scientific and cultural institutions, public associations and businesses, and mass media in national languages.
The main platform brought together those for whom Karelian and Vepsian are native languages, and those who are just starting to learn the languages of the indigenous peoples of Karelia.
By April 26, the dictation will be written at 65 organized venues in the Republic of Karelia, Tver, Leningrad, Vologda and Murmansk regions.