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The laying of flowers ceremony

On 15 May 2024, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania organised a fantastic, festive concert on the Theatre Square of the State Budgetary Institution “North Ossetian State Academic Theatre named after Vladimir Tkhapsaev”. It was a truly special day, marked by the laying of flowers at the monument of Kosta Khetagurov. The ceremony was a truly inspiring event, attended by a number of esteemed individuals, including employees of the Ministry of Culture, members of the Union of Writers of North Ossetia, representatives of the public movement “Стыр Ныхас”, teachers and students of educational institutions across the republic.

After the touching ceremony of laying flowers, the incredible artists of the Ossetian Theatre gave a stunning performance of Kosta Khetagurov’s poetic works.

The celebration of the Day of Ossetian Language and Literature is a wonderful way to celebrate the important role that Ossetian literature plays in preserving the national identity and cultural heritage of North Ossetia.