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Sametingets seminarium om samiska språkens behov

During the Indigenous Language Year 2019, the Sami Parliament is working with extra efforts to promote the Sami languages. One of the initiatives is to organize a “Seminar on the needs of the Sami languages” where the current status and needs of the different languages are mapped. The seminar will result in a document in which each language group for Northern, Lule, Pite, Ume and South Sami has described their current situation and submits their views on linguistic needs and priorities.

One of the program points is a panel discussion with invited guests – indigenous culture in the media, storytelling and documentation.
The panel discussion focuses on the question: How can we, as indigenous peoples, work to ensure that our cultures have a rightful place and that they are portrayed in the right way in TV, films and other media?
What can it mean for the public conversation about indigenous peoples, within our own society and in the majority society?