Presentation of new editions of Gayaz Ishakiy in Moscow
Presentation of new editions of Gayaz Ishakiy in Moscow
On May 24, the Tatar cultural center (Moscow) hosted a presentation of new editions of the classic of Tatar literature of Gayaz Ishakiy, prepared for the 145th anniversary of the writer’s birth by scientists of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibrahimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Scientists of the institute – doctor of philological sciences, deputy director Oleg Rishatovich Hisamov, candidate of philological sciences, head of the laboratory of comparative Tatar studies Marcel Ildarovich Ibrahimov, researcher of the department of textology Fania Galimullovna Faizullina – told about the activities of IYALI AN RT, the implementation of projects for the study and popularization of the works of classics of Tatar literature, new books of G. Ishakiy (first published diaries of writer and collection of selected publicism in two languages)
The event was organized with the assistance of the Representative Office of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation.