Panel Discussion on the ‘Cultural Integration of South and Southeast Asia through Literature and Revitalising Indigenous Languages’
Asian Literary Society (ALS), founded by Manoj Krishnan, organised a multilingual, multicultural, and multigenerational ALS SINGAPORE CONFLUENCE 2023 on 10th September at the flagship National Library Board,100 Victoria Street, Singapore. The confluence followed the success of ALS Singapore Caravan 2023 at the Indian Heritage Centre on 12th February.
Alka Balain, Volunteer Chapter Head, ALS, curated and hosted a panel discussion on the ‘Cultural Integration of South and Southeast Asia through Literature and Revitalising Indigenous Languages’. Kevin Martens Wong, Director of Kodrah Kristang, and Muhammad Hafiz Rashid, docent and advocate of the Malay arts and heritage, spoke about the origin and continuing legacy of the Kristang and Baweanese (Boyanese) language. The panellists emphasised the significance of saving and reviving the indigenous languages in Singapore nation and the world.
Eric Tinsay Valles, Director of Poetry Festival Singapore, and Anurita Kher, Regional Head of Asia Pacific, Colors TV Channels, graced the event and addressed the participants and audience, encouraging and supporting the literary community in its endeavours. ALS founder Manoj Krishnan addressed the gathering virtually.