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2023 International Conference on Indigenous Language Documentation, Education, and Revitalization (ICILDER)

The 2023 Inaugural International Conference on Indigenous Language Documentation, Education, and Revitalization (ICILDER) will meet in honor of the United Nations’ International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) in Bloomington, Indiana, October 12th through 14th, 2023


This conference, hosted by the Council of Indigenous Language Organizations (CILO) and its partners, will be open to both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous participants alike. We are excited to bring together Indigenous communities, educators, linguists, and scholars from around the world to share their knowledge and experiences, which will in turn inspire future language revitalization efforts. ICILDER will feature presentations and workshops that showcase exemplary practices and innovative approaches which aim to chart a path forward for the future of Indigenous language work. Participants will share their experiences and insights, and discuss methods for preserving and promoting Indigenous languages in practical and impactful ways. 


Through this conference, ICILDER will foster cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration, highlight Indigenous voices, and promote active learning through vibrant discussions and engagement. We understand that every community, project, and individual is approaching language work from a different perspective and starting point. It is therefore our hope that attendees will leave this conference with new partnerships, insights, and enthusiasm for the work that they do leading into the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and beyond.


Join us this fall and become a part of this momentous conversation.