III International Scientific and Practical Seminar «Tatar Studies in a situation of paradigm shift: theory, methodology, practice»
III International Scientific and Practical Seminar «Tatar Studies in a situation of paradigm shift: theory, methodology, practice»
On April 24-25, 2023, Kazan hosted the III International Scientific and Practical Seminar «Tatar studies in a situation of paradigm shift: theory, methodology, practice», dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of the classic of Tatar literature, publicist, public figure Gayaz Iskhakiy (1878-1954). The organizer of the event was the Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibrahimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The main directions of the seminar’s work were defined as follows: the personality and creativity of G. Iskhakiy in the historical, cultural and socio-political contexts of the era; Gayaz Iskhakiy and the Turkic world: literary, linguistic, cultural aspects; G. Iskhakiy and his contemporaries – the leaders of the Tatar nation; the role of leaders in the development of national cultures; diaspora as a research problem; methodology of studying national languages, cultures, literatures.
During the seminar, round-table discussions were held on the following topics:
1) «Tatar abroad: history, personalities, heritage»;
2) «Cultural borderland: problems and research methods».
Scientists from near and far abroad (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey), as well as from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Cheboksary, Izhevsk and others took part in the scientific and practical seminar, including in an online format.
To the 145th anniversary of the birth of G. Iskhakiy by scientists of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibrahimov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan prepared new book editions:
– collection of materials of the scientific-practical seminar; selected works of the writer devoted to the problems of the Tatar language, literature, culture, history;
– G. Iskhakiy’s diaries relating to the period 1919-1920.
A collection of materials of the scientific-practical seminar was also published.