Art unites peoples
As one of the events dedicated to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, on 21 February in the Art Literature Department of the Aidamirov National Library of the Chechen Republic opened the art space “Rainbow of Friendship”. The event was attended by students from Grozny city schools.
The presenter, head of the Department Malika Umarova, told the schoolchildren that Russia is inhabited by peoples of different nationalities who have their own culture, customs and traditions but this does not prevent them from living in peace and harmony with each other, in love for their small homeland and their country as a whole. The presenter gave the guests a tour into the history of particular traditions, life and culture of the multinational peoples of Russia.
The participants enjoyed watching a documentary about the life of Russia’s small indigenous peoples, as well as a video in which the singer Alisa Supronova, already beloved by the Chechen public, performed the legendary song “Katyusha” in forty languages of the world.
As part of the event, a book exhibition “Art Unites Nations” was organised. The exhibition presents featured reproductions of works of art by painters from different republics of Russia. Also presented here are fairy tales of the peoples of the world, encyclopaedias, books about national costumes, dances, national cuisine, music, arts and crafts and architecture. Books reflect the spirit of the people, their way of life and their national character.
But the most interesting thing awaited the guys at the end of the meeting. An art studio was prepared for them, in which the children were able to show their creativity and skills by making and decorating doves – symbols of peace and friendship – in the colours of the rainbow.