A presentation of the fairy tales collection of Antonina Syazi
The capital of Priural area hosted a presentation of the fairy tales collection of Antonina Syazi.
The publication is written in Sobsk dialect of Khanty language with a translation into Russian. Most of the stories the author heard in the childhood from her relatives. Thus, the story «The dog Tyapa came back» tells about animals’ devotion to its master, and about the legend that it’s not allowed to give or sell the dogs female because it can be the reason of misfortune and losing the flock of reindeers.
Translations of the stories are also done by Antonina Syazi herself. Some of them were published in the local newspaper «Lukh Avt» (where the writer is a freelance author since 2014).
Antonina Syazi comes from reindeer herders’ family, was born in the Ural mountain area, on the Khanymei river. It’s an interesting fact that the name of the river «Khonma» in translation from the Khanty language means «royal river». The author devoted the tales, stories and songs to her fellows’ life – fishermen and reindeer herders.
«I would like my children, countrymen and soulmates know and speak native language. It was the main motive for me to start writing tales and stories. To make them more attractive I draw pictures to the works. I began to draw in the 6th class» – tells Antonina.
Book copies are delivered to the Yamal-Nenets library and library funds named by Roman Rugin.
Nowadays Antonina is processing folklore songs, tales and stories of the Khanty peoples. She is going to publish a new compilation with more than 50 folklore compositions.
The event was held in the frame of the 2022-2032 International Decade of Indigenous Languages.