A presentation of a collection of fairy tales A.S. Pushkin translated into the Khanty language by Gennady Kelchin and called “Favorite Tales for Little Northerners”
The ethnographic park of “Zhivun”, Shuryshkarsky district, hosted a presentation of a collection of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin translated into the Khanty language and called “Favorite Tales for Little Northerners”. The presentation took place at the “Craftsman’s Land” festival.
Gennady Kelchin, the author of the translation, is a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of the Russian Federation, folklore collector, Honored Worker of Culture of Yamal, translator, journalist.
The format of the presentation implied a live dialogue between more than 70 participants and guests with the author. After the presentation, participants received copies of fairy tales.
One of the participants asked how much time Gennady Kelchin spent on translation of each work. “Translation is not a one-time activity. This is a long process. First, I look for the suitable words and expressions and at the same time follow the meaning. It is important for me to preserve the mood and the content. Therefore, for me, translation is a permanent work that does not depend on the daytime or my location”, – answered Gennady Kelchin.