A Mysterious Land of Contrasts
As it is known, in order to further develop Russian-Chinese relations and expand bilateral ties in the field of culture, as well as in honor of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations, 2024-2025 have been declared the Russia – China Culture Years.
So, as one of the events in acknowledgement of that, on 15 February at the Aidamirov National Library of the Chechen Republic, the Department of Foreign Languages Literature hosted the opening of the ‘China: History and Culture’ illustrated book exhibition
Those present, including students and teachers of secondary schools in the Achkhoy-Martan region, as well as students and professors of Chechen State Pedagogical University, had the opportunity to plunge into the history and culture of China, the third largest country in the world.
The exhibition presents publications dedicated to the original Chinese culture, a unique phenomenon that combines modern and old traditions. There are also books about art, national cuisine, religion of China, and textbooks on learning the Chinese language. The literature is presented both in the original and in translation.
Assistant Lecturer of the Oriental Languages Department of Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chinese language teacher Leila Yusupova told the audience about the choice of her profession and teaching students Chinese. The teacher emphasized that interest in the Chinese language in the Chechen Republic is growing every year, and specialists with knowledge of Chinese are growing in demand.
‘I would appeal to the guys who have not yet decided on their choice of profession. If you are interested in engineering, architecture, or any technical specialty, I advise you to study Chinese, also because these specialists will always be in demand’, – the moderator noted.
During the event a discussion took place about the specifics of Chinese culture and the ways the Chinese build relationships between themselves and with foreigners. Students also shared their own opinions about Chinese culture. At the end of the meeting, the guests watched a fascinating documentary film – ‘The Most Interesting Facts about China’.