The guests of the stand of the Republic of Karelia at VDNH had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the Karelian language
For three days, the express courses are conducted by Ulyana Tikkanen, editor of the Karelian-language newspaper “Oma Mua” and the Oma Media portal, teacher of the Karelian language at the Karelian, Veps and Finns Resource Media Center.
We all know that Karelian is a very melodic language. In addition, the Karelian language is a source of ancient wisdom of the people – it is filled with allegories and figurative expressions. Visitors to our stand will learn which dialects can be heard in Karelia, how the language is preserved, and where it is taught. Guests learn to pronounce words and phrases in Karelian.
Colorful booklets “Karelian in five minutes” were provided to help the participants.
Visitors to the Russia Exhibition are happy to take booklets with them and hope to come to Karelia and greet the indigenous people in their native language.