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Global dictation in the Ossetian language

Global dictation in the Ossetian language. The main venue of the Global dictation was organized by the Ossetia-Iryston TV channel. The Republic of South Ossetia, as well as the neighboring regions of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria joined the action. The main platform of the Global Dictant in the Ossetian language was the Ossetia-Iryston TV channel. Platforms were also organized at the North Ossetian State University, schools, colleges and technical schools of the republic. The text of the dictation – an excerpt from the Nart epic – was read by Yana Bekoeva, the winner of the All-Russian contest “The Best Teacher of Native Language and Native Literature – 2022”, teacher of the Alan Gymnasium. The action was attended by Chairperson of the Employment Committee Albina Plaeva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mark Dzhanaev, Deputy Minister of Culture Zalina Kusaeva, Deputy Head of Vladikavkaz Administration Madina Khodova, Deputy Chairperson of the Assembly of Representatives of Vladikavkaz Zita Salbiyeva, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Investment Oleg Atarov, daughter of the youngest of the seven Gazdanov brothers Mila Doeva. The oldest participant of the dictation is 75 years old, the youngest is 14 years old. More than 7,000 thousand people wrote the dictation.