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Listen, fellow descendants

Coming people! Who are you? Here I am, The Whole pain and bruising. I bequeath to you the fruit garden of my great soul. Talents and geniuses are tested by time. And this time is much longer than a human life. We are celebrating the 130th anniversary of the birth of the romantic, revolutionary, futurist and the main rebel of Russian literature, Vladimir Mayakovsky. The memory of the poet is alive. His work is relevant for any era, as it contains a harsh satire on the bureaucratic machine, human greed and stupidity. And how the lines turned out to be relevant: “With what pleasure by the gendarme caste I would be whipped and crucified for having a hammered , sickly Soviet passport in my hands.” Replace “Soviet” with “Russian” in the line and the same thing will turn out… Comprehensively talented, with a complicated personal life, Vladimir Mayakovsky was betrayed To the motherland and its people. On July 20, an hour of poetry was held in the library in memory of the reformer of Russian literature. Those present heard Mayakovsky’s voice in the recording, watched an excerpt from the film in which he played the main role – “The Young Lady and the Bully”. The library’s readers and fans of the poet’s work performed his poems, a fragment of G. Sviridov’s “Pathetic Oratorio”.